Well fellas, we have been too much busy in coding, alot, for free offcourse and we really enjoy doing it till our mum called us to buy some onions, yes, for that, we code some official plugins, too.
clipbucket was going great, had good interactive features and i think, it was a good video sharing script but sure it misses alot of good features on what we were working on. for all those who wants to turn on your PICTURE SECTION, get ready, we are going to release is on 25th December, if we able to meet our milestone.
Fawaz worked alot on this section, and believe it or not, he had really did an AWSOME job and i know he wont disappoint any of you. Our picture section will have all those features that you want, it can be used as wallpaper directory or private pictures like facebook have or just simple image sharing like flickr.
I don’t have any demo or screen-shot of the section because i am writing this blog from my private computer, btw we are going to launch it in couple of days. so you better stay tuned with clipbucket.
Besides this, i always bring a new problem for all users :p, this time, its an ultimate uploader, “whats so ultimate about it” ? well, i know you guys love the way you upload videos on youtube, simply select the file, no form filling, just hit upload and boooom, upload and do the rest later when you have time for it. so i code a whole new file uploader, now you can upload multiple files at once, no form filling, fully ajax, same like youtube. see the screenshots below, i was not able to provide you a video demo because i am not in my workplace write now..
Yea, you can see how our uploader works.
Now lets come to another promising feature, that no other script has, we are now introducing our new Remote upload, an Ajax Based remote uploader with file upload status and speed. works with PHP 5.2 and 5.3 with different method.
I wrote down whole new remote downloader for Clipbucket, exlusive for clipbucket as you will nto find any remote downloader of php with status. i really love php because with php 5.3 we can add more enormous features in future :p , i dont have its screenshots or demo either as you already know the reason 😛
We also have a Christmas Gift for all of our exclusive users, its a surprise gift, its absolutely free. hint # 1 : you can run your video sharing website without any modules 🙂
Clipbucket is totally and totally rely on its paid plugins, we don’t have enough earnings but we sure do our best. If you , any of you, can bring us a good sponsor, a helper or anyone who can be a beneficial for Clipbucket, you are welcomed 🙂 , we really want to make this project a really bigger one s we are aiming for a social + media sharing script which means facebook and twitter clone is not far far away. If you keep supporting us, we will definetly bring something new to this world.
Happy X-Mas and on 25th December its a very important day for us “Pakistanis” , its a day when our beloved leader and founder of Pakistan, Quad-e-Azam was born, may his soul rest in heaven.
and yes, i am the one whose name keep showing on every clipbucket powered website 🙂
Arslan hassan