By making a complete redesign of both front and back end, writing thousands of lines of code. Using latest and modern apis, We are glad to announce ClipBucket V3 Will be released pretty soon as we have completed 75% of the task.

Sorry for keep you waiting for so long but things were so complicated, writing documentation and adding new and modern design took us long. Let me just show you some screenshots and explain whats going on.

New admin panel

CBv3 Admin Area Home Page
  1. A Complete redesign of admin panel
  2. New Controllers and Interface to make it more easy to use
  3. New Widgets for home page with change-able positions.
  4. A notification system to let admin know whats going on the website
  5. New news system to make admin aware of new changes and update

New video manager

New video manager

A complete re-design of video manager to make things more visible that an admin needs to view and ease of access to actions that he wants to perform with videos, including quick search.

admin area edit video

new video editor as well, we have made things more flexible so that you can make editings more fast and easily as you can see the button on right top will stick to window-top so you can save video even if you are scrolled to bottom of the window.


New, Fully Ajaxified Categories Manager

New categories

New categories manager with full ajax to make things faster. Now you can choose category icons as well to display them either in front-end or back-end to make UI more attractive.

Category icons window


New Widgets Manager

Widgets manager for CBv3


A widget manager for ClipBucket.  O yes, this is a widget manager, you can drag widgets as you can see and drop them in the right pane.  And different widgets can have different settings that you will be able to edit. Its a wordpress-like widget system.

Language Manager

Language manager

Now our newly improved language manger make you edit or add new languages more easily.


Add new language popup


New plugin manager

Plugin manager

new and improved plugin manager.

New Conversion Profiling system

Conversion profiling

Dropping our old conversion toolkit, we have re-written everything from scratch to make things ready and compatible with most of the systems available and also made things even a lot easier and customize-able so that admins can add or create new profiles as many as they like  based on their requirements. Including mobile and HTML5 version.

This is how adding new conversion profile will look like.

Add video conversion profile

do not worry, we have already written the documentation and tutorials, you will have it when we will release our v3.


we have dropped uploadify due to its license limitations and added plupload instead and we are really thankful to have such a nice and easy uploader. Its fully integerate with ClipBucket v3 with HTML5 features including Drag and Drop. Our new interface will make video uploading more fast as it will let you upload multiple videos in different methods at the same time with all configuration options. and this is how it will look like

ClipBukcet v3 Uploader

This is not the end of ClipBucket v3, it was just a TEASER. yes its just  teaser of our new features for ClipBucket v3. I will be posting more updates in upcoming days as we are really close to release our alpha version. Just stay with us.


Thanks for all of your love and using ClipBucket.

Eid Mubarak to you all in advance.

Arslan Hassan
Allah Hafiz.

Follow me @arslancb on twitter
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By Comments off August 17, 2012