- Thank you for choosing Clipbucket, the most comprehensive software package available for video sharing websites. We are pleased to announce that ClipBucket RC 3 has been released.
- Features introduced in this release
- New Web 2.0 Bootstrap Responive Layout Design for both User and Admin
New Mp4 Video conversion system
Fully integrated Smarty version 3
New CB html5 player with all required features - Existing Feratures
- Easy to Moderate Videos, Users , Groups etc.
Create Different User Groups to assign different permissions
Improved SEO Friendly URLs
Extendible with Plugins and Addons like WordPress
Easy to install Themes and templates
Daily Stats with graphical interface
Mass Uploader via FTP
Improved Channel System
User Categories
Advance reporting/flagging system
Ajax Based favorite,comments,ratings and reporting
Search Engine
Highly customizable Profile page
New and Improved Groups system
Improved templating systemWe welcome ideas and suggestions for our next release and look forward to hear from you.DO NOT FORGET IT’S NOT FREE !!!ITS PRICELESS =D.
Please follow the link below for RC 3 Download