ClipBucket Player Ads Manager For In Video Ads
ClipBucket has Player Ads manager module to set ads in player. This module is very vital for AVOD platform. AVOD refers to advertising, or ad based, video on demand, and is free to consumers. However, viewers will have to sit through advertisements, during watching a video. Premium content owners rarely use AVOD as it generates lower amounts of revenue than SVOD and TVOD. example of major AVOD platforms is YouTube, Dailymotion,
AVOD ads are broadly categorised into three categories:
Pre-Roll (Ads inserted prior to the video content starting)
Mid-Roll (Ads inserted within the main video content)
Post-Roll (Ads inserted after the video content has finished)
Player Ads Manager supports 2 types of ad delivery in HTML5: plain VAST (Video Ad Serving Template – samples) and Google IMA (Interactive Media Ads ) networks .
The Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) enables publishers to display linear, nonlinear, and companion ads in videos. Supports VAST 2, VAST 3, VMAP. IMA enables ad requests to:

You can also add Preroll, Midroll, Postroll and banner ads by using local videos and images. This is a complete campaign management solution, It allows you to manage campaigns by Videos, Categories and regions.